HManPhoto's Random Musings

Posts covering ride reports, motorcycle gear reviews, game and movie reviews, and thoughts on life and my job.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

HID is working great.

Just a short update. Since the last write up I actually got out and did some riding, both day and night. Had several people I know check it out from in front of me and oncoming. Only one person said the light was "too much". The other stated that it simply made me "stand out" which is a good think on a motorcycle.

I also took it down a long expanse of Hwy 37. This is a "super 2" and long and capable of handling a quick pace. I kept it in check because of deer but ran it up to about 75 or 80. With the brights off I could actually see further. While the light off in the distance wasn't super bright it was more than adequate to see everything and lo and behold... off int he distance and well to the side stood three deer. Not so sure I would have seen them without the new light even with the bright on because my bright light is so focused on a small point.

Well, here are a few more pictures of the light. Some from the seat coming soon. Hoping to find another Busa for good comparo pics.

Undertail to be here soon.


At 7:51 PM , Blogger Christopher said...

Just curious, what did the HID Kit cost? I was thinking about doing this on my '82 Yamaha Vision. I work nights and I am either going into work or coming home in the dark on a twisty mountain road. I need more light before I start processing venison.

Chris F.

At 2:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Reliable, fast service and free online quotes at discount.very nice...............


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