HManPhoto's Random Musings

Posts covering ride reports, motorcycle gear reviews, game and movie reviews, and thoughts on life and my job.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

New Camera On The Way

I'm hoping to be within two months of owning a new digital camera. That camera would be the Canon EOS 20D. With its high resolution and the ability to take rapid fire shots I intend to get some great action photos from both road course and drag race tracks in the area. I also intend to shoot a lot of landscape shots from the southern Indiana and central Kentucky regions and put them together for an online "book".

I currently do photos and poster prints of various show cars/bikes and will likely be pushing that a bit more in the future after purchasing this camera. At this point I tend to let those jobs come to me. I intend to push for them more in the future.

I believe the Canon camera will open up some job possibilities that I just cannot tackle with my current arrangement. While it takes great photos, my Sony has just too much lag in the shutter release to do the action shots I'm currently after. Add onto that the fact that I can only shoot one picture every two seconds and I'm just far too restricted.

Up soon after the camera... a new laptop to accompany it.


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